Sunday, March 18, 2012

Why not? A goal review

So, here we are, two and a half months into 2012 and I haven't discussed my goals since New Year's Day. You can refresh your memory here.

1. Healthy weight. Off certain meds.
Not yet. Getting there. On a new plan to get this nipped in the bud. More to come.
2. Relax! Slow down!
I'm getting a bit better at asking for help when I need it, but I still do a lot of stuff, especially on Sundays. It feels like my entire day is doing house chores, but part of me really likes it. Freak.
3. Have fun
Ehh, same as before. We did do a spontaneous day trip around my birthday.   
4. Read more
I bought these before Christmas:
  • Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon
  • The False Friend, by Myla Goldberg
  • In Country, by Bobbie Ann Mason
  • In Search of the Rose Notes, by Emily Arsenault
  • What to Expect Before You're Expecting (hey, forewarned is forearmed!)
I finished Outlander and LOOOOOVED it. I am reading the second book, Dragonfly in Amber, now. The other books remain untouched.

5. Pray more. 
I think I'm doing this. 
6. Have more of a focus, or point, on this blog.
Um, not really.

1. Dial it down a notch.
Probably not, since my boss is a jackass and can be condescending. He infuriates me.
2. Get in EARLY instead of on time or barely on time.
Yes and no. Some weeks I'm on the ball, some weeks, not so much.
3. Keep my inbox (email), desk, and folders clean.
YES! Our department moved to another location in the office, so that move spurred a huge purging of stuff I've had since I started over five years ago.
4. Get away from my desk more, including my half hour lunch.Not as good as I could be about this. It's tough sometimes. Hopefully now that the weather is even nicer, I'll want to get out and away.

1. Mantel for our "library."

Not yet. We think we want to go with blue stone, like what's in front of the fireplace. Now to go to the stone store.  
2. Kitchen floors redone.
Need to call for estimate.
3. Rest of the upstairs painted.
The lady I used last year is coming back April 2nd!!And it'll be $300 cheaper than last year.
4. All carpet ripped out and replaced with wood.
Not sure when this will happen. When I get the estimate for the kitchen, I might have them look at the upstairs. I think we might go with Pergo-like material, since it's cheaper, versus the "real" hardwood that's downstairs. 
5. New doors for the two bedrooms upstairs.
Not yet. The painting lady is going to fix them and paint them. 
6. Buy some more furniture.
Not yet.
7. Power wash house, back deck, and front porch.Soon, now that it's warmer.
8. Hang some more things on the walls.
Not yet, even though we have things to hang!

1. Get back on track with saving at least one of C's checks.
So far, so good.
2. Split up our savings account into different accounts.
Chris doesn't think this is necessary, so we're holding for now.
3. Change some accounts to have both of our names on them (leftovers from before we were married).
Not yet.
4. Buy life insurance
Finally! We filled out the worksheet and sent it back. We're meeting with our financial guy in a few weeks to discuss it and also to do an annual review of our portfolios.
5. Stick to a budget!
I guess? I don't know, I feel like it's so easy to overspend in some categories some months, then other months, be fine. There's no debt, so that's good.

Another hiatus

You get busy at work and at home, then you take a few days off, and the next thing you know, you haven't posted in almost two weeks! I haven't been commenting on anyone's blog either, but I've been reading. It's difficult to keep a schedule, like I was trying to do before. I don't want to blog at work, and when I'm home, I've had other things to do or just haven't felt like spending time in front of the computer.

It's not you, it's me! :-)

I did start a new blog, but I don't want to share it just yet. So far, I'm just keeping track of my health step at a time.

ETA: Whoa, I just looked at the main page and I have ELEVEN followers! I'm shocked and surprised! Last I knew, I had 7, then someone left, and there was a new follower to take her place, but eleven?? WOW. I'm amazed, and very thankful. Hopefully this will be incentive to keep me writing, so people will stick around? 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A little annoyed, but oh well

If you look at my comments on other people's blogs that were made prior to yesterday, they still say Rabbit. That's good. But, when you click the link that would show you my profile, like, if you wanted to see my blog, it brings you to my new blog, which is under a different name and not related to this. But how many people read old posts and look up the profiles of those who have written comments? Oh wait, I do that.

Oh well. Everyone here will know about that blog soon enough. It's more like, I am not advertising THIS blog over there. Am I overthinking this? Possibly. My full name isn't on anything and I've talked about my Twitter name here (part of the name of the other blog). Part of me thinks I should just lump everything together and share it all with the world, but I am a little shy about having people who I'll attract to the other blog read some of the stuff here. (The other blog is about my health goals--nothing too secret.) Part of me thinks I should flip everything back to the way it was, and start a new google account for the new blog...oy.

I like to make a mess of things, don't I? Nah, it's not a huge deal, but it's making things sort of least in my mind. I wonder how many people would even notice?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

You picked a bad time to leave me Lucille...

That song was going through my head just now. Hopefully you can't tell, but I just switched ALL of my Blogger stuff to a different Google account. Oy. I was afraid that I'd lose everything, screw something up, etc. Especially as it had to be done manually. I'm glad I only follow 20 something blogs! As I was doing this, I noticed that things on Blogger were LOOKING DIFFERENT. It wasn't me, though. Looks like Blogger/Google/whomever is changing the look/layout/whatever.

I think everything made it over, and if not, oh well.

Now, why did I change things?

I had an email address that sort of went with the blog for awhile and it just seemed silly that I didn't have them together. Plus, I started another blog today and tried to have it NOT use my Rabbit info, but NO. So it was easier to move everything over here, to this email account, and use my "regular" gmail account for my new blog. Or maybe not! I don't know...

We shall see.