Monday, February 28, 2011

I've never done one of these before (7 quick takes)

(I think you have to link up somewhere, but I don't really know the "rules," so just bear with me.)

Most of these thoughts came to me over the weekend or in the shower this morning.

1. I've never seen The Wizard of Oz. Even though I know the story line. Even though I played Dorothy in a summer camp play. It's like, why bother now?? I didn't see it because my mom was terrified by the witch as a child, and figured my brother and I would be too.

2. On Saturday, I bought a lipstick for the first time in....years. I think I bought one before my wedding (3.5 yrs ago) but the makeup artist picked it out. I hadn't purchased one for years prior to that. I am in a wedding in April, and needed something besides Burt's Bees for my lips for pictures. I wore it to Liturgy yesterday and am wearing it to work's feels strange. Like my lips are STICKING OUT. I'm not a huge makeup person, and if my skin were a bit clearer, I wouldn't wear any at all. But it is a pretty color and looks nice.

3. We used to have like 5 or 6 travel coffee mugs/cups in the house. Now we have 1. I'd like to thank Turtle for losing them!!! =D No, really, he did. We bought a bunch at IKEA last year...and now they are gone. I am sure there's at least 1 in the depths of his messy car (I don't clean that) and a few at work. Sigh. When the ONE cup is not clean (I'm the only one who uses it), it's Dunkin Donuts, which means I end up getting a "snack," which does not bode well for the wallet nor waistline.

4. Lent is coming. I'm not giving anything up. I want to DO something. Need to think on that.

5. My birthday is also coming up--which is good that I'm not giving up anything for Lent. Actually my birthday has ALWAYS been during Lent, as are most of my family's, so any type of giving up of sweets fails, ha.

6. I don't want to go to work today. Yet, it's almost 8, so I should go. I know I should be thankful for having a job, but I don't like being reliant on 2 incomes. I even wish I could be a housewife, before having kids. That's kinda sad, no? There's SO MUCH that needs to be done and I'm always squeezing things into my lunch 1/2 hour, breaks, the way home, etc. I know a lot of people are like this, and I'm not the only one, but it would be easier if I didn't have to rush around ALL of the time. I haven't stopped working since I was 15. Well, I didn't work during the school year in college, but I had a scholarship to keep so I couldn't fool around then even if I'd wanted to.

7. I need to have my taxes done. I've had the stuff together for weeks, but procrastinate on calling the accountant. I usually have them done near my birthday (one year I went ON my birthday) so this year proves to be no different!

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